Memo to #SanFrancisco Moms: You Rock!

Photo credit: Julie Michelle (

“We have two hands. The first one is to help ourselves. The second one is to help others.” ~ Proverb

Between Homeless Prenatal Program and our new partner APA Family Support Services, we are saving babies butts all around San Francisco.

Every three weeks or so, our friends at Natural Resources on Valencia send us  an email about our overflowing donation bin.  We haven’t gotten that much local press (Psst… SF Chronicle reporters, we are available!), but have been relying on mama word of mouth. A good friend of mine told me she received an email about Give Cheeks a Chance from her Waldorf parenting listserv.

Word gets out!

Photo credit: Julie Michelle (

The open packs, the new packs – all of it is being put to good use (um, except for that donated curling iron and half used bottle of shampoo) right here in the city.

Yesterday I had the wonderful opportunity to join APA, at their inaugural monthly diaper distribution event. This was the FIRST time EVER they distributed diapers to needy families. Because of YOU!

Photo credit: Julie Michelle (

APA’s mission is to promote healthy Asian/Pacific Islander children and families by providing family support services to prevent child abuse and domestic violence. They have offices in Chinatown, Excelsior/OMI, Bayview/Hunter’s Point, and General Hospital.

They work with new mothers and families, many of whom are recent immigrants with very limited means and resources. Most are isolated in their new role as mothers. APA helps to bridge the cultural gaps while also serving as a parenting community for these mothers.

So pat yourselves on the back and know that your child’s outgrown diapers, or that extra pack you picked up when you were restocking for your baby really is making a difference.

Thank you so much. I wish you all could have been there.

As you can see from these photos, the amazing Julie Michelle came along to document the event. Thanks Julie! Stop by her place and check out her post about our day meeting new friends.