Miss K Raises $177 to Purchase Diapers for Brighter Beginnings

Miss K and her bake sale friend

Breaking News from HAMO headquarters: High school freshman and micro-philanthropist, Miss K raised$177.00 worth of diaper funds for Brighter Beginnings at her recent high school bake sale.  That roughly equals 1,020 LUVS diapers OR 560 Seventh Generation diapers (via BB Amazon.com wishlist).

BIG Thanks and congratulations to Miss K for Helping Some Mothers Out! We hope your story inspires other young people to contribute their gifts to the cause! Remember to bring some brownies over next time you come to babysit!

Via Miss K:

Last week I decided to host a bake sale to raise money for Brighter Beginnings, one of the non profit agencies that Help A Mother Out is working with. It took a while to set up, I had to make announcements and post fliers around the campus of my school.

I asked my friends to help me sell and bake good at the three bake sales i held that week. The first time around, a Monday, we made the most money, a little over $70. The next two bake sales raised around $100. The experience was so rewarding and absolutely tasty, everybody loved the food and my friend and I enjoyed the baking.

Please take a moment to congratulateMiss K by posting a comment below.