Ultimate Killer App: Facebook Causes Gift Cards!!!!

This is SO freaking cool.

You know the Causes application on Facebook?

Safeway and Von’s are now offering CAUSES GIFT CARDS for purchase throughout California stores.

From Causes website:

$25 and $50 Causes Gift Cards are now available in Safeway and Von’s grocery stores throughout California! Go to the Safeway Store Locator to find the Safeway or Von’s store near you. Buy a card (purchase is tax-deductible), give it to a friend, and your friend can choose from over 1.5 million nonprofits and donate the value of the card. Causes Gift Cards are a perfect gift for birthdays, the holidays, or anytime you want to give the power to make a difference.

Here’s what to do:

Buy them for the person in your life who has EVERYTHING and doesn’t need more clutter. For me, that means my in laws. They love receiving gifts that give back. I also might purchase some for hostess gifts. I mean, who really needs more candles, candy, or wine?

Put them on your wishlist so you donate to your favorite non profit (*wink wink*) and spread the word about your favorite cause.

If you are a recipient of one of these gift cards, we’d be delighted and grateful for you to help a mother out. Every single dollar donated benefits our diaper program and you become one of our angel investors!

Find us here:

Our Cause ID is 507967 (donation will be made under our fiscal sponsor, Point).