If the government can make cheese, why can’t they make diapers?

I recently learned that there are such places called Diaper Banks. In fact, we have one in the Bay Area, which was started last year. Here are some facts you should file away and write to the Big Cheese(s) about:

  1. While safety-net programs such as SNAP (food stamps) and WIC (Women Infants Children)cover the cost of infant formula, they do NOT cover diapers.
  2. Diaper companies do NOT give diapers away (unless you are Jon and Kate Plus 8 or the California octuplets).
  3. Interestingly, infant formula companies donate formula and the government subsidizes it under SNAP and WIC.
  4. Diapers cost exponentially more at an inner city convenience store than they do at a big box store or online.
  5. Most laundromats do NOT allow you to wash cloth diapers. If you are poor, you probably don’t own a washing machine.
  6. Most licensed daycare centers (esp. free or subsidized) do not accept cloth diapers. Parents must provide disposable diapers.
  7. If a family can’t afford diapers (e.g., they need it for shelter, food, transportation) a baby will spend extended periods of time, sometimes days at a time in the same soiled diaper.
  8. Washing and re-using disposable diapers is unhealthy and unsanitary.
  9. Unhappy babies are crying babies. Crying babies are more likely to be abused by an already stressed out caregiver.
  10. If you cannot afford diapers, you cannot take your child to free/subsidized childcare. Therefore, you cannot make your commitments such aswork, school, or job training.
  11. Start over.

I found most of these facts on various diaper bank websites and in an About.com interview with Hildy Gottlieb, the founder of the nation’s first diaper bank , Southern Arizona Community Diaper Bank.

Question: If the government can make cheese, subsidizeinfant formula, AND childcare to the poor, why can’t they contract with Seventh Generation or gDiapers to manufacture diapers and then subsidize?

What are your thoughts or insights on this?