NPR Reports: Homeless Families on the Rise

NPR’s Weekend Edition today reports on the rising population of homeless families. Listen to the story here.

Between rising rates in unemployment and foreclosures, it’s no wonder that families are now the country’s fastest growing homeless population. In Arizona, the number of families experiencing first-time homelessness jumped by more than 10 percent last year. That’s created a big challenge for homeless children, trying to balance both school and survival.

While the holidays are a wonderful time to be generous, it is important to note struggling families need our help year round. Churches and non profit agencies can only do so much with the growing number of families experiencing homelessness, many for the first time in their lives. Everyone has something to contribute – time, money, or expertise. Please consider helping out in your own community in 2010.

Shout out to Mark Horvath of Invisible People for forwarding this news story.