Bake Sale For Brighter Beginnings

Breaking news from HAMO headquarters:

Lisa’s very own “mother’s helper,” high school freshman, Miss K. will be hosting a bake sale at her high school next week. The bake sale will benefit Brighter Beginnings, one of our partnering agencies. Miss K came up with the bake sale idea as a way to raise funds to purchase supplies offBrighter Beginnings wishlist. She figured that she probably wouldn’t yield much from her classmates by asking them to bring in their parents’ hotel soaps, or um, bring diapers to school, but she really wanted to support HAMO’s May Donation Drive.

We think this is a fabulous and inspiring idea! Thank you, Miss K, for thinking “outside the box,” when it comes to helping others out in your own community.

Miss K has promised us photos from the bake sale. Stay tuned!