Current Needs: Newborn Care Packages #hamo

Hey, are we friends yet on Facebook? We’d be delighted for you to join our community there!

Friends,  We are currently in need of newborn care packages for both Northern and Southern California. Would your group be up for a special community service project between now and the end of the year?

Care packages are needed for our California agencies, many of whom conduct  home visits to mothers with newborns in need of essential items. Not only are the care packages useful for mother and baby, they have proven instrumental to our agencies in cultivating relationships with families in need.

Our wishlist is for 200 or more care packages for both Bay Area and Greater Los Angeles. If your group may be interested in helping us with 10 or more packages? This would be a great excuse to get together with friends and doing something impactful!

Assembled care packages ideally include:

  • Newborn diapers (1)
  • Baby wipes (1)
  • Diaper ointment (1)
  • Baby shampoo (1)
  • Baby lotion (1)

Contact: lisa (AT) helpamotherout (Dotorg)