“Ten Year” Matching Opportunity #hamo


Late today we had a generous anonymous couple offer us a end-of campaign matching opportunity. The wife, in honor of their 10 year wedding anniversary, has requested that she and her husband gift us the last $1,000 of funds we need to raise in order to get the matching grant of 100,000 Huggies diapers.

So instead of asking for diamonds or sapphires, she’s asking for the gift of diapers. Super swell, right?

Here’s the skinny:

  • If we reach $24K of our goal, our donor will match the last $1K in funds to get us to our May 31st goal of $25K.
  • As of this writing we have raised $22,330.62. That’s just $1,669.38 more to go before we reach $24K and our donor couple pitches in the last $1K to honor their “Tin Year” wedding anniversary.
  • If we are successful, we will reach our fundraising goal, and get to accept the bonus 100K diapers this summer.

Will you help us help more families? Click on the orange button to help.


In order to be eligible for this “Ten Year Anniversary” matching opportunity we need to raise THE LAST $1,669.38. We can reach our goal IF:

  • 10 kind souls to gift us $166.94 each; or
  • 20 awesome people to gift us $83.47 each; or
  • 84 swell folks to gift us $20.00 each

Help us help more moms and their babies?

Thanks so much to our donor couple who are challenging all of you to help get us to our tipping point.

P.S. If you are a new friend, please check thisthis, or this out to learn more about why we are raising both diapers and awareness. Thanks for stopping by!